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" ILLUMINA™ is one complete SPA treatment in a bag! Cara Julia sono entusiasta della tua linea cosmetica e così tutte le mie pazienti. "

" ILLUMINA™ is one complete SPA treatment in a bag! Dear Julia, I am very enthusiastic about your line of cosmetics and so are all of my patients. " Ilse Ghinolfi, ANTI AGING CLINIC MILANO


" Depuis que Julia a créé sa propre marque de cosmétique je l'utilise régulièrement. L'authenticité de ses produits me plaît et ma peau n'a besoin de rien d'autre au quotidien. Sa ligne de cosmétiques préserve la jeunesse et l'élasticité de la peau du visage sans la graisser outre mesure. Je vais continuer à utiliser ILLUMINA™ qui restaure la beauté et l'éclat de ma peau. "

" Since the very beginning Julia has created her own cosmetic brand, I use it regularly. I enjoy the authenticity of her products and my skin doesn't need anything else on a daily basis. Her line of products preserves the youthfulness of the skin's face and its elasticity without over greasing it. I will continue using ILLUMINA™ which restores the beauty and radiance of my skin. "

Sylvia Sermenghi, Philanthropist & Fashion Designer, LEGENDS MONACO



Illumina Cosmetics - Paris
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